Dinosaur Park - Lonavala
I have seen that most of the kids are fascinated with Dinosaurs. For instance, my daughter since she was very little had a craze for "Barney the Dinosaur". The huge gigantic purple Dinosaur and its friends. She would sing and dance with him on all his songs. Her favourite one was "I Love you, You Love Me, We're a Happy Family with a great big Hug and a Kiss from me to you wont you say You Love me too" and we would sing it everyday as a routine before bedtime. The best part was that due to her fondness every year till she was 5 Barney visited her on her Birthday to wish her and sing and dance with her (Her Mystery Friend). So, to cut the long story short, my point is although big and scary they never fail to impress the kids be it in a movie or in real. Oh! did I say real? as in real ?? How about touching them and seeing them in real life size . If this excites you then head out to Lonavala to visit the Dinosaur Park. Lonavala , is a popular hill station nea...